GRIZZ Energy Gum® es para todos. Estamos activos en los mercados B2C y B2B .
Dividimos nuestra oferta para nuestros clientes comerciales en dos segmentos:

    1. Distribución para webshops y tiendas físicas
    2. Vender GRIZZ Energy Gum® en tu gimnasio/box de CrossFit


1. Distribución para tiendas web y tiendas físicas

Siempre estamos buscando nuevos socios comerciales. ¿Está interesado en vender un producto innovador, moderno y con buenos márgenes en su tienda o en su sitio web, o está interesado en distribuir GRIZZ Energy Gum®? Por favor, rellene el formulario de contacto y nos pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible.

2. Vende GRIZZ Energy Gum® en tu gimnasio / Centro CrossFit 

GRIZZ Energy Gum® es una innovadora y buena alternativa a los pre-entrenamientos, pastillas, barritas energéticas cargadas de azúcar y bebidas energéticas poco saludables. Los beneficios son muy diversos. Al usar 1 o 2 chicles energéticos experimentas más energía durante los deportes y el ejercicio, te sientes más ágil, tienes más fuerza durante el entrenamiento y tienes más resistencia. El chicle energético de GRIZZ Energy Gum® está registrado oficialmente en la lista antidopaje/NZVT y, por lo tanto, está libre de dopaje y está disponible para todos.

¿Crees que sería valioso, además de tus propias cualidades, ofrecer GRIZZ Energy Gum® a tus miembros? Por favor, rellene el siguiente formulario y nos pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible

3. Surprise your colleagues with a letterbox gift full of energy

Since COVID hit the world, working from home has become very common. It offers many advantages, such as less travel time and perhaps a better work-life ratio. However, it also comes with some drawbacks. For example, colleagues see each other less often and there is no longer the opportunity to chat at the coffee machine. In short, less personal attention and involvement. How do you solve that?

Surprise your home-working colleagues

A nice home office surprise makes colleagues feel valued. A nice surprise filled with positive energy! We have a gift that is original and fits through the letterbox: A 4- or 10-pack full of energy gums so that you can get the most out of yourself and life! Our caffeinated chewing gum provides more focus, energy, and concentration and keeps you sharp while working from home. The perfect energy booster just before (online) meetings and conferences. Not only ideal for working at home but the energy gum can also be used during sports and travel. Your colleagues will certainly be happy when this unique surprise falls on their doormats.

We send the presents, possibly with a personal touch

We make it as easy as possible for you! This way you don’t lose valuable time packing and shipping the presents. We take care of the entire process, from order to shipment. You will receive an Excel file from us in which you can enter the details of your colleagues and we will take care of the rest. Of course, the file will be deleted after use, in accordance with the privacy law. To make the letterbox gift personal, we can provide each package with a customized company logo sticker and a personalized message. A personal touch to make it even more fun!

How do you order the home office gift for your colleagues?

Do you want to surprise your colleagues with a nice, attractively priced present without it costing you much time? Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Formulario de contacto

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